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DCE Training

What is a DCE?

The acronym DCE stands for Developer of Counselor Education. The DCE is an active Cadet counselor who has committed himself to serve as DCE for a minimum of three years. His job is to guide the learning process within his council. Ideally, each Cadet council should have several DCEs who work together as a team to accomplish that task. For a more detailed examination of what a DCE is, check out the DCE job description. The Training Coordinator (TC) keeps those interested in DCE training abreast of DCE news on our RTC/DCE information page.


What happens at DCE training?

DCE training involves three weekend sessions. Each training session begins on a Thursday evening and ends on Saturday at noon. The three sessions are called Phases 1, 2, and 3.


Phase 1

The first session takes place in the spring. By the time the DCE returns to his council, he is knowledgeable about the way adults learn and he will know ways to guide the learning process. He will be prepared to lead the Counselor Certification Course in his council and to help with the planning of the next season’s education program.


Phase 2

The second session brings the men back together in the fall — a half year after they took Phase 1. By now, he is ready to gain experience in designing and presenting workshops. Participants are separated into teams, and each team develops a one-hour workshop to present to the entire group. After each presentation, the workshop design and presentation are critiqued. Humbling though that experience may be, all the DCEs agree that it’s the best way for them to increase their skills and effectiveness as workshop leaders. By the end of Phase 2, participants are “walking and talking” the language of a training professional.


Phase 3

The group meets for the third time just one year after their second session, again in the fall. At this point, they build on skills that they were introduced to earlier. They enhance their ability to discover what their council’s learning needs are — where the clubs are weak and where they are strong, and they build on their skill in developing and presenting workshops. By that time, most DCEs have conducted several workshops and are eager to learn more.


What does DCE training cost?

The first member of a council to attend DCE training within a Cadet season becomes his council’s primary DCE. Annual training cost for a primary DCE is $18.00 per club in the council ($108.00 minimum). That cost covers transportation to the training site, lodging, training materials, and lunch on Friday. A council can send additional DCEs for training during the same season as their primary DCE. Those DCEs then become secondary DCEs. Secondary DCEs are not charged a registration fee per club, but the council is obligated to pay all costs of training — lodging, transportation, meals, and materials.


Who Should Become a DCE?

By now it should be clear that no one should become a DCE without careful thought and consideration. The ideal DCE is an active Cadet counselor who:


  • Views cadeting as a ministry.

  • Is excited about the opportunity to help other counselors become more effective in their ministry to boys.

  • Is comfortable getting up in front of others.

  • Is able to clearly communicate ideas and instructions verbally.

  • Has completed the “Counselor Certification Course” and continued his study of the Cadet program and materials.

  • Plans and prepares effectively for club and council meetings and responsibilities.

  • Is willing to give the time and effort needed to fulfill the responsibilities of the DCE position.



Let your council officers know that you are willing to serve in this capacity. If your council chooses to recommend you as a DCE, then they will initiate contact with the Corps office to register you for training.

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